Primary Schools

We believe that art and drama is a powerful tool for young people to understand the world around them, develop confidence and empathy and form friendships. We work with primary schools to try to achieve these aims through performances, community projects and in-school workshops.

If your school is interested in working with The North Wall, please get in touch with our Participation Manager, Abie Walton on

Community Projects

We forge long-term partnerships with local schools and community groups, co-creating projects for all ages that bring together people from different cultural and social backgrounds. Here are a few highlights:

Cutteslowe Light Trail

As part of Oxford Christmas Light Festival, we have partnered with Cutteslowe Garden Project for the past two years to deliver the Cutteslowe Light Trail. We partnered with the local primary school to deliver window display making workshops ahead of the event. View the gallery

Unknown Forest

We worked with artist, Simon Daw, to deliver an outdoor audio nature trail that explored bird migration and the positive impact we can have on the planet. Groups of school children were given a letter, a map and a scrapbook to complete the adventure and become ‘Wildlife Protectors’

The Pen Pal Project

During January 2021, schools were only open to key worker and vulnerable children and restrictions were tight everywhere else too. We saw the need for human connection and the hope for shared experiences. We partnered up with Oxford City Council, Cutteslowe Community Centre and two primary schools to deliver The Pen Pal Project. Pupils who were in schools, watched a short film When They Started Singing’ to inspire their postcard writing. Each pupil was partnered up with a community pen pal, and they sent postcards to each other.

“It was fun during these strange times. My daughter is keeping two younger children away from us in case they are carrying the virus. We miss them a lot and have missed almost a year of their lives. We have a lot to be thankful for.” Community Pen Pal

“I think the project is good, it lets children know they are not on their own. It is good to have a project no matter how big or small” Shirley, Community Pen Pal

Drama Workshops

We run a wide range of drama projects for children and young people, from confidence building to learning about a topic through drama to putting on a play in a day. We can also run regular drama sessions as extracurricular or PPA Cover. Get in touch with Abie to find out more:

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