YouthLab: Weekly Sessions

Join the YouthLab youth theatre to develop skills in drama, discover an artistic style and be the creator of your own work. Spend the autumn term developing skills in performance, the spring term devising a show and the summer term rehearsing for a Summer Showcase at The North Wall.

For ages 12-17

Course fee: £80

Full bursary places available: email Abie Walton on to apply

YouthLab: Weekly Sessions


£80 per term

Extra information

Venue Cutteslowe Community Centre

Term dates

Autumn Term 20 September – 13 December
(with a break for half term)

Spring Term 10 Jan – 27 March
(with a break for half term)

Summer Term 17 April – 10 July
(with a break for half term)

Summer Showcase 13 July

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